Manufacturing Unit Onboarding Guideline

Thank you for showing Interest for joining hand to showcase your products and visibility through our channel


🧡 We help in procuring inventory & Presenting the quality of product

🧡 We help in boosting your sales in in terms of retail and wholesale

🧡 We help in arranging financial aid to grow the business through us


Please ensure to be eligible and fulfil below primary requirements:

Should be in a manufacturing industry with capacity to fulfil order requirement 

Quality and packaging should be as per standard norms on Industry


Kindly share below detail about you.

Your Name :

Industry & Product you deals :

Area of Product Unit and per day production capacity  :

Average Value of Finish goods/Inventory  :

Complete Address with Pin Code :

Further if you are Importer/wholesaler and want to sell your existing Products through us   Kindly Share your Detail

We welcome to Thaakurji Baazaar and our onboarding team will connect you as per shortlisting creteria for your Industry & location


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